Amelia Soper Photography - your friendtographer

“When I become a part of your wedding experience, you’re automatically adopted into my Friendtography Family. You see, it’s that feeling of: Wait, are you my photographer or are you my friend who’s taking my photos? that makes the relationship with my clients so awesome. All of my Friendtography clients are not just clients. They are all amazing people who I can see myself being friends with for a lifetime. Several of my closest friends, in fact, are people I never knew before that initial wedding inquiry and I’m so incredibly thankful for each and every one of them. I love meeting knew clients because it’s always a mystery who’ll be the next couple I’ll find myself laughing with over beers and a game of Catch Phrase two years from now.”

Kate Anderson

When art comes to play, there are no limits. As a multi-disciplinary visual design studio, Kate & Design enhances your brand’s ability to remain at center stage with a rapt audience while keeping true to your company’s core vision.

Twist Catering


The SweetSide